Public Environmental Training Open Enrollment
Our open enrollment public environmental training seminars are conducted in a small personal seminar format. You and your classmates will learn through presentations and open discussions.
Basic and advanced EH&S training cries out for discussion in depth. You will explore the regulations, and why they are important to you and to your organization.
Practical, hands-on environmental training approach pulls back the curtain on these regulatory programs by citing to real world examples or “war stories” that provide insight and perspective on the environmental compliance challenges facing the environmental professional in the 21st Century.
Our open enrollment seminar courses have been cited by our students in course evaluations as one of the most meaningful and transformative experiences of their professional careers.
Our courses are continually reviewed and updated and tailored to meet the ever changing environmental laws and regulations, both Federal and state levels, that challenge the environmental professional daily during your operations.
Check back frequently for updated course schedules and new offerings from the Owen Santarella Environmental Training Group, LLC.
3.5 days of fast paced, high-energy environmental training for new & veteran environmental professionals & counsel.
Your course
The first half of your course is taught by Joe Santarella, a recently retired environmental attorney with more than 25 years training experience, who will cover air, water, waste & environmental reporting regulations that may apply to your facility.
During the first tow days, Joe will provide an insider’s view of EPA enforcement approach and outline proven strategies for managing potential exposures to civil and criminal liability under the major federal environmental regulatory programs.
The second half of the course takes a turn to on-the-ground and in-the-plant environmental compliance challenges. Michael Owen will outline how these environmental regulations may apply to your operations & provide practical strategies for maintaining compliance at your facility.
Throughout each day, we will present field proven methods and practical compliance strategies and systems to maintain full compliance with environmental regulatory requirements as well as facilitate group discussion on outstanding compliance issues and strategies.
Finally this interactive seminar is your chance to meet, explore and converse with environmental professionals in various industries. Many of your classmates possess a wealth of experiences and opportunities that you can learn about during and after class open discussions. Explore your class, our wonderful course location and look forward to developing long lasting professional relationships.
““My Environmental Regulatory Bootcamp presentations pull back the curtain on EPA’s environmental regulatory programs and provide insights into EPA’s enforcement priorities and regulatory goals to empower students and broaden their perspectives. My presentations are always about providing the student with the tools to identify and solve regulatory challenges themselves whenever possible.”
Joe Santarella
“We have been teaching Environmental Bootcamps for over 50 years combined.
Don’t try a copy, attend the Environmental Regulatory Bootcamp from the instructors who taught it first.”
Michael Owen
What We promise
The most up-to-date environmental training, reviewed and updated daily.
Course materials that include all course slides with up-to-date subject matter indexes to significant regulatory guidance documents and other valuable resources in pdf format with “hot links.”
Learn from the instructors who have developed and taught Environmental Bootcamp training courses for more than 50 years combined.
Environmental training designed for both brand new EH&S professionals, seasoned environmental managers & counsel.
You will update & broaden your environmental knowledge while learning from the instructors & your classmates.
We will NOT sell you our environmental solutions or services.
Interactive training with hands-on activities to encourage your best learning.
Practical strategies & tips for complying with environmental regulations & interacting with environmental regulators that you can apply immediately upon returning to your facility.
You will learn valuable lessons based on real-life examples and war stories that reinforce environmental compliance Do’s & Don’ts.
You will meet and make new professional contacts.
We will have fun!